Editor crash when inherited blueprint use billboard in construction script

It took me quite some time to create a small example for reproducing:

  1. Create a blueprint B_Test1 based on an Actor, add in the construction script “Add Billboard Component”, use default values (I split the transform struct)
  2. Create a blueprint B_Test2 based on B_Test1.
  3. Place B_Test2 in the world
  4. Select B_Test2 object and in the detail pane, click on “Edit Blueprint” and hover over the option “Apply Instance Changes to Blueprint”

This will make the editor crash. If you place B_Test1 in the world, no problem. Also if you disconnect or remove the “Add Billboard Component” in B_Test1 then it also works as expected.

This is a big issue for us as we are having movepath’s that dynamically create billboards for the map designers.

As a side note: If you have created “Add Billboard Component” action, split the transform stuct and save and reopen the project. The struct is still split, but you got the “Relative Transform” pin back (which you can split again). I tested the above with “Make Transform” to make sure the crash wasn’t related to this one.

Hey ,

Thank you for notifying us of this issue. I have followed your reproduction steps and I have not been able to replicate this. I have upgraded my engine to 4.8.1 though, are you in 4.8.0 or 4.8.1 when you recreated this crash? If you’re still in 4.8.0, could you please upgrade and ensure that you’re still crashing with these steps and I’ll be more than happy to go through the steps again.

Thanks! :smiley:

Still got the problem with 4.8.1 (was running 4.8.0).

I’m going to create a new project and see if I still got the problem. I’ll post when I got it up.


Still got a crash with a new project. I got a demo project but this site doesn’t allow .rar files to be attached. I can mail it I you want it (1.8mb).

Some more information.

If you create the billboards in the child (B_Test2), then it works perfectly. If you create a function in B_Test2 (with an actor variable) and call it from the constructor in B_Test1, it will still crash.

It seems .zip does work, attached the project that is crashing for me.[link text][1]

47670-myproject2.zip (2.37 MB)

Hey ,

Thank you for explaining this issue further. I realized that I had set it up as a duplicate, not a child and that’s where my mistake was. I made sure to specify that the second blueprint is a child. The report is listed as UE-17604 therefore, if you’d like to check on the status of this bug in the future, just reference UE-17604.


Hey ,

I have just verified that this issue is fixed for our 4.9 release. If you notice this issue once we have an update to 4.9, please reply back and we will further investigate.

Have a great day!

Thanks for the feedback, do you have any idea when 4.9 will be released?

(No idea how to mark your answer as the solution)


There isn’t currently a time frame available for 4.9 to be provided however, I would suggest keeping a close eye on the forums for the release notes and additional information.

Thanks! :slight_smile: