Full Crash Log
EXERPT: *Assertion failed: InCompressedData != NULL [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.7\Engine\Source\Developer\ImageWrapper\Private\ImageWrapperBase.cpp] [Line: 69] *
But Disk D:/ is empty
Full Crash Log
EXERPT: *Assertion failed: InCompressedData != NULL [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.7\Engine\Source\Developer\ImageWrapper\Private\ImageWrapperBase.cpp] [Line: 69] *
But Disk D:/ is empty
Hi Melgaardbjorn,
Can you also post the logs for your project that is crashing. This can be located in Project Folder > Saved > Logs. zip the files created here and upload please. Make sure to clear this out first and reproduce the crash then zip them up though.
Couple of questions:
Thank you!
Hello, Tim, thank for reply, I had started a new thread there and answered at this questions
Linking your other post that is now closed: Editor crash on start up after update (4.7.5 Windows) - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums
Currently I am unable to reproduce this and have not seen any other reports that are similar.
Can you use the option to Verify your engine build. You can do this by going to Library > Top tab > Select drop down for the engine and choose Verify.
See if this resolves the issue. If not can you try re-installing the engine.
We do have a hotfix for 4.7.6 going out very soon that may also help.
You was right, I alternately compiled release and master branches (because I cant open my old project) and didn
t see this error