When using the editor, every so often I get asked to connect to an alternate internet connection, even though my computer is connected to the internet at all times. Deleting this alternate connection really isn’t an option, since I do occasionally need it. The dialog popping up is distracting, and sometimes it happens every few minutes. I have enough bandwidth to not really mind if it phones home, but it should be able to recognize my active internet connection.
Hey fibericon,
Is that the Launcher asking you to reconnect or the actual editor?
Actually, I’m not sure how to tell. I assumed it was the editor because it never happens when the editor isn’t open, but I do always have the launcher open when the editor is open, so it could be the launcher.
Can you send me a screenshot of the error?
Caught one: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
IGNORE THIS, SEARCHING FOR ANOTHER SOLUTION: So what happens if you select broadband connection and select “connect automatically”, then connect? I can’t say I’ve ever seen this, but it appears to be a Windows message. I guess it could be triggered by the editor though.
Hey fibericon,
As this appears to be a windows message, I looked around and found a few possible solutions for you:
That’s… bizarre, that windows would do that, especially since I have firefox as my default browser. And with the Unreal icon on the toolbar tab for the dialog too. I haven’t seen it since doing that though, so I guess that’s the solution. Thanks!