Editor configs not stored in HKCU/AppData when building from source?

Hi all,

I work at a University and we typically package and deploy apps to our lab environment via SCCM.

I have built the editor from source so we can package it as an MSI and deploy it to our lab fleet but ran into an issue with the location that app settings are being stored.

When building from source the editor is built to be portable and does not save any settings to HKCU or to the users profile.

With all settings and configs are being globally saved in the apps config directory, individual users can not have their own personal settings on their own profiles. Furthermore, since students seem to pretty much require read and write access to the root folder, it’s very easy for them to mess with files in the install dir, such as configs or binaries, potentially breaking the install on a machine for all users.

Can any guidance be provided on how to migrate user configs back into user profiles?

Furthermore, is there any advice on exactly what files or directories require ACL/permission changes within the engine to run from non-elevated accounts?
