I’m working on a custom node, which has a unconnectable Pin (bNotConnectable=true).
But in the editor i can promote such a pin and the editor connects them.
The function is probably EdGraphSchema_K2.cpp’s bool UEdGraphSchema_K2::CanPromotePinToVariable( const UEdGraphPin& Pin ) const
bool UEdGraphSchema_K2::CanPromotePinToVariable( const UEdGraphPin& Pin ) const
const FEdGraphPinType& PinType = Pin.PinType;
bool bCanPromote = (PinType.PinCategory != PC_Wildcard && PinType.PinCategory != PC_Exec ) ? true : false;
const UK2Node* Node = Cast<UK2Node>(Pin.GetOwningNode());
const UBlueprint* OwningBlueprint = Node->GetBlueprint();
if (!OwningBlueprint || (OwningBlueprint->BlueprintType == BPTYPE_MacroLibrary) || (OwningBlueprint->BlueprintType == BPTYPE_FunctionLibrary) || IsStaticFunctionGraph(Node->GetGraph()))
// Never allow promotion in macros, because there's not a scope to define them in
bCanPromote = false;
if (PinType.PinCategory == PC_Delegate)
bCanPromote = false;
else if ((PinType.PinCategory == PC_Object) || (PinType.PinCategory == PC_Interface))
if (PinType.PinSubCategoryObject != NULL)
if (UClass* Class = Cast<UClass>(PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get()))
bCanPromote = UEdGraphSchema_K2::IsAllowableBlueprintVariableType(Class);
else if ((PinType.PinCategory == PC_Struct) && (PinType.PinSubCategoryObject != NULL))
if (UScriptStruct* Struct = Cast<UScriptStruct>(PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get()))
bCanPromote = UEdGraphSchema_K2::IsAllowableBlueprintVariableType(Struct);
return bCanPromote;
There is no check for the pin’s bNotConnectable property.
Also in the calling functions TryInsertPromoteToVariable (SBlueprintActionMenu.cpp) and CanPromoteToVariable (BlueprintEditor.cpp) the check is missing.