Editor asks for ThirdPersonOverview for no reason


After every launch editor writes something like that in the log:

LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Game/ThirdPersonBP/ThirdPersonOverview’
LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Game/ThirdPersonBP/ThirdPersonOverview’
LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object ‘Class /Game/ThirdPersonBP/ThirdPersonOverview.ThirdPersonOverview_C’

At first I thought that it’s because I deleted the file and forgot about reference somewhere, but it turned out to be a bug present in every template and even in the blank project. It always asks about ThirdPersonOverview file, until it really is available at the specified location.

Hi Nox,

Do you mean just opening the editor causes this to print or are you pressing the Launch (the button beside of the Play button in the editor)?

Did you install the Binary version of the editor from the Epic Launcher or are you using the Source built version from Github?

Hello TJ,

That’s right, opening the editor (4.10.4) is enough for it to show up in the log. Just created a new project (without starter content) based on First Person Template and it’s there.

I use binary version installed through the launcher.

It sounds like the editor installation was somehow corrupted. First try Verifying the engine install.

In the Launcher > Library tab > click the yellow drop down arrow and choose Verify.

Then try creating a new project again.

If it’s still happening, next try uninstalling and reinstalling the engine version.

If it’s still ‘still’ happening, please post back here and let us know.

Hi Nox,

We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, please feel free to post back here with additional information to reopen the post.



Hello TJ,

Sorry for a late response. I’ve just tested and after verifying engine in version 4.10.4 problem still shows up. Unfortunately I haven’t tried to reinstall, but maybe there’s no need for that - it looks like there’s no such issue in 4.11.

Great to hear it. If it pops up again, post back here to let us know.

Same problem in packaging project in 4.16 . Packaging is successful however.

LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steam API disabled!
LogLinker:Warning: Can't find file '/Game/ThirdPersonBP/ThirdPersonOverview'
LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to load '/Game/ThirdPersonBP/ThirdPersonOverview': Can't find file '/Game/ThirdPersonBP/ThirdPersonOverview'
LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Class /Game/ThirdPersonBP/ThirdPersonOverview.ThirdPersonOverview_C'

Will have a play soon.

Look in your ./UE4/Engine/Saved/Config/Windows/EditorSettings.ini for this block:


And delete the entries giving you errors.

I’ve got this problem in 4.22.3

Bump! Same here in 4.20 (*Edit: AND 4.21, but not in > 4.22), even after migrating to a new project.

Thanks, very impressive. Really I appreciate you to continue your work.

Very valuable information, it is not at all blogs that we find this, congratulations I was looking for something like that and found it here. tellpizzahut

I have the same issue in both 4.25 and 4.26 even with blank projects.