Editor adds starter content automatically

Im trying to remove starter content, none of the assets are used from there. Editor will add it again if i remove it.

Also i tried to package the game and it fails with “Unrecognized token at index107”. I dont know if that is connected to the same issue.


Tried to remove saved and intermediate folders, only folders left was content and config, no success.

Ok i found it, config folder has file called Defaultgame.ini, line [StartupActions] adds things.


Hello from the future. After upgrading to UE 5.4 I had a problem where every time I launched the editor, it re-imported StarterContent and locked all the files in my version control, despite nothing actually “changing”. After a day of digging, I ran across this thread and it was the same culprit.

Removing the import of StarterContent pack from startup actions solved my issue of touching/checking out hundreds of files every time I launched the editor. So I wanted to post this here in case anyone else runs into it in the future…

(Thank you kalekarri from the year 2024.)


I had the same issue after 5.4! It looked like the starter content files were being copied to the project from cache, which triggered the source control change. Not sure why the pack was being re-imported on each launch :man_shrugging:
Thank you kalekarri :tada: