Editing spline components in editor doesnt update construction script


In UE 5.0.3 i use spline components to create pipes/cables. However i recently updated to 5.4 and when i now move my spline points in editor the construct script doesn’t update anymore. I thought it had to do with migration but when creating a simple test script it also doesn’t work…

3D widgets do update constructions script.

The one thing that i notice is in the selection of the spline points. In 5.0.3 when selecting spline points i still select the main blueprint actor(Self) and while editing the spline points construction script updates, i can also still use the custom exposed settings from the blueprint.
In 5.4 when i select a spline point Instead of selecting the main blueprint actor(self) it actually selects the spline component and while moving the points it doesn’t update the construction script anymore.


  • When editing exposed variables the construction script does update.
  • When having the spline component as the only actor in the blueprint it only updates when mouse press is released.
  • Setting the spline component settings “construction script only” or “input spline points to construction script” doesn’t seam to change anything.
  • changing the class settings “run construction script on drag” also didn’t change anything.
  • new empty project did not work
  • in all test i either inherit from actor or generate dynamic mesh actor

Hope someone can help, thanks in advance


i also have this issue in 5.4.1

Try setting the spline at the root of the blueprint and see if that helps.

Same issue and it is very disappointing. Spline Meshes do not update and even when they do (during runtime/gameplay) the meshes now do not stretch correctly from the initial point to the ending point, but instead it is like they are scaled a bit smaller (starting at around 5% of the way and ending at around 95%).

Good idea, that can be a temporary workaround for simple blueprints maybe… but when using splines/meshes inside more complex blueprints, that is not always an option.

This only makes it update on mouse release for me. And i cant use this setup for geometry script blueprints because the dynamic mesh is hard locked to be the root component. Ideal solution would be the way it was back in 5.0 because i also have scripts with multiple splines and then the root option doesn’t work either.

Made a official bug report at epic games ill post again when i have more information

Any news Hugo ? Maybe a bug ID to be able to tack it ? thanks !

set “override construction script” checkbox inside spline component

Unreal engine 5.4.3 seams to have fixed it.

Spline components now update construction script when moving spline points in editor. The only thing that’s different is the following:

In 5.0.3 when selecting spline points in editor the detail panel selection stays on the main class (this is good because you can still see exposed variables).
In 5.4.3 when selecting spline points in editor the details panel selection actually selects the spline (which i guess should be as intended… But liked the older one better)

Also in 5.4.3 the construction script update looks to give more lag then before.

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