Editing photos being utilized for alignment

I suppose the most simple way to ask is, can you select 1-x number of photos to be realigned without realigning the rest? I enjoyed PS’s environment and I’m simply trying to learn my way around RC. Thank you!

hello jnowat,

here is what i did:
First make sure all your images are located in the same folder (or one root folder)
if you want to realign just some images, i guess that means you have others that are already aligned XD.
So make a component of those ones, and also use “metadata xmp” to change the state of each image from draft to locked.

Then reset all. Go to workflow tab. Import your component, and then add the folder of images again.
Now, in the “Align tab” make sure in “alignment setting” that option “work only with img in component” is set to false, and then press Align to launch the process.
If i am right, RC gonna work only on images which are not in component, if an admin can confirm the idea ^^

Hi jnowat,

another direction to go would be the setting “enable alignment” in the image settings menu (selected inputs).
With this setting, you should be able to exclude images from alignmrnt.
If they retain their original alignment and how that would pan out with the new alignment, I do not know.
If you create a couple of Control Points before, it should remain in the old coordinate system.

Hi aure,

interesting ideas! :slight_smile:
How do you create a new component with certain images??
Do you mean by starting a new project with only those images and then export it with Registration?

How does this metadata stuff work - is that covered in help somewhere or is it common knowledge (that I obviously don’t have)?

Hi Götz,

interesting ideas! :slight_smile:
How do you create a new component with certain images??
When i feel RC wont align more by himself XD XD, i create component by taking the one with the most images (i use first metadata xmp, from draft to locked depending if i feel it accurate or not so accurate, and then i use “registration”)

Do you mean by starting a new project with only those images and then export it with Registration?

mmh not sure what you mean, lets say i have 900 images in total, i run rc and let say i get 560 images aligned and other one piece by piece, i make component of the big pieces, xmp and registration. i close that run, and open a new one, where i import those big pieces with import component.

from what i saw in RC, xmp metadata is really helpfull. i made a run using that workflow, but at one point i missed up XD, i close the run after xmp metadata (locked that time, i think that save me) BUT without registration (so no component to import), without saving.
When i realised i was a bit upset as you can imagine… i was thinking it had to go to all calculation again… but no, i just started in previous state, added images, ran align, and well it was pretty fast, so i assume in a way the xmp metadata in state locked helped a lot.

Hi aure,

I think we are talking about similar things… :slight_smile:

So what is the difference between xmp and registration?
I’m not sure what you mean by lock metadata though…
And what do you do after creating the new project with the big chunk of aligned images?
Do you just use those and forget about the rest or does it help you in any way to get the rest aligned too?