I’m doing a scatter style thing mixing Houdini and Unreal. My first HDA outputs a data table which then gets visualized by another HDA. I’m looking for ways to edit the data table before it gets visualized without going into the data table and looking for the thing manually. For that i need some way to modify the data table in-editor, not runtime. Do i understand correctly that the only way to do it is via converting data table into strings, changing those, turning them into the CSV string and finishing with “fill data table with CSV string”?
There is an “Add data table row” node but it’s broken since the start of times and the only way to make it work is through c++ which isn’t an option for me right now. So clean data table work is off the table.
I saw people talking about filling an array of the same structure with data from data table and then modifying that but i guess this means no feeding edited data back into the table. All your edits happen in the array and they will stay in the array. Doesn’t work for me because it’s all tied to the initial data table.
And the only option left that i saw some people pulling off is building a system that breaks data table into string and rebuilds it after with “fill data table with CSV string”. I guess that’s my only option here, right?