Hello, I am having issues with setting up an editable text widget where when I plot in a number it changes the rate of speed of the rotation… I have included a video of the setup…
Thank you for your help
There’s no need to bind anything - those bound functions execute every frame, and neither there’s the need to override the text in the box.
Consider this instead in the character blueprint:
The character creates the widget and binds a delegate of the editable text. When text is changed, the rate gets updated. Here there is no script, variables or functions in the widget whatsoever; just an editable text widget.
If you need to have multiple actors but only a single widget setting their rotation rates individually, do tell - a slightly different approach would be needed.
Thank you and this is sick… what is the purpose of the sequence after the event begins play. I was searcing for examples of this and found nothing…what would you have searched for?
The top-down template comes with some other script that executes there, utterly irrelevant here but I left it connected. Nothing more than a force of habit. Sometimes you disconnect a single a wire and all hell breaks loose.
searcing for examples of this and found nothing
Knowing the right keywords is half the battle, so true. If I did not know the engine, I wouldn’t know what to search for, honestly. I’d probably search for something along the lines of:
Editable text to change rate of rotation
Not kidding. Or
widget to character communication
But that would result in a ton of mostly generic results, 95% of which would be unsuitable.
Here’s a relevant link:
The first 2 examples address what you were trying to do, and the 3rd one shows the most efficient way to handle it. Rather than execute script every frame, we execute it only when needed. So called Event-Driven approach.