Editable of the same class of which it is a member

I have a map with multiple rooms (think Havoc Hotel), each room has room_device controlling it and I want it to have a pointer to the next room.

room_device := class(creative_device):

    @editable NextRoom:room_device = room_device{}

However this causes the following error:

Constructing an instance of a class while initializing its defaults is not implemented

My question is if this is just not allowed or if there’s a syntax that I’m not using to allow it.

I can get around it by duplicating the code and and creating room_1_device, room_2_device…etc but that seems much harder to maintain when the code would be the same in each file.

Also Can create a room manager device that has the list of rooms but was hoping to avoid that.

Is having an editable of the same class possible, or should I cut my losses and just find a work around?

try replacing it with : creative_device =creative_device{} or :?room_device=false . There’s probably a reason those restrictions were placed so keep that in mind for any instabilities you might encounter

Thanks, replacing with :?room_device=false seems to work. Hope I’m not shooting myself in the foot later. Appreciate the fast answer