Edit multiple selected tracks/sections/bindings/channels at the same time in unreal's Sequencer

Very often at my job I’m having to use the sequencer and add several related tracks/channels/etc. per actor/BP that have identical components. And very often I need to edit multiple values at the same time and I can’t. The ability to ctrl + click on a track and edit one value on one track should affect the other tracks but it doesn’t. I either have to copy and paste tracks to the other actors, which you sometimes get multiple tracks and it’s weird to look at, or I just have to manually edit each track/section/channel, etc one by one and it’s super tedious. Can this please be fixed?

Say you want actor 2-5 to have material slot track with a roughness value of say, 2, then you want actors 6-10 to change to a value of 3, I would have to copy and paste or manually edit each value for each actor. I know there are material collections but that’s not the point, I’m talking about in the sequencer. We should be able to edit multiple values at the same time.

I even thought of doing parameter callbacks in python where I would have stored an actor list from a blueprint utility widget where it would listen for parameter changes and do for loop over every selected track/binding/section/channel and automatically change whatever all selected bindings/etc. to that new value. I’ve done this kindof thing in houdini and it’s not that hard, surely someone who works here can make this change. I’ve seen others complain about this too on here so I know it’s a global problem.
