Edenfall: Legacy of the First Wardens - an action adventure by a solo dev

Hey everyone!

I proudly present you my game “Edenfall - Legacy of the First Wardens” - a single player action adventure where you play a shapeshifting young woman.


:large_blue_diamond: explore a whimsical world in four forms: human, wolf, raccoon, and raven: each form coming with its movement system and unique combat toolset

:large_blue_diamond:master an intricate combat system based around a combo system. Unlock mighty attacks by combining attacks from different forms

:large_blue_diamond:cleanse parts of the world from corruption and be rewarded with the breathtaking experience of the once-corrupted land being restored.

Find the full trailer here:

Here is the steampage - in case you want to wishlist it:


Hi there @EverfluxGames,

Welcome to the Unreal Engine forums. Hope you’re doing well! :slight_smile:

What a beautiful project to showcase as your first post! I’ve never played a game similar to this but I have to admit it looks great. The stunning environment, smooth combat/flight animations, and dreamlike storytelling are all seemingly done so well. Super impressive! :smiley:

Just out of curiosity, did you solo dev this?

Hello @EverfluxGames ! Welcome to posting with us here on the forums!

I can agree with Panda that this is a marvelous first project showcase. The style and adventure is truly captivating with many aspects drawing me in personally. the combat, the animal transformation, the smooth animations, and even the storyline. It reminds me of a game long lost to memory but feels familiar in a very positive manner.

If I may ask, will there be certain equipment or power ups to provide certain abilities in/out of transformation?

Thanks so much for your kind words - really appreciate it!
I mostly working alone on it, but I had/have help with a few aspects like animations and music or creature design :slight_smile:

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Thanks, glad you like Edenfall! :slight_smile:

The player gets stronger by learning new (stronger) combos involving more forms. For learning new forms players need to collect crystal shards which you get by exploring and doing quests.


So cool :slight_smile: Plus the demo is out! Is there a current release date planned or is it still to early?

Currently I’m planning for Q1 2026 :slight_smile:

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Can’t wait to see it! Happy developing until then :smiley:

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