Easy way to do Game restart?

I am trying to figure out what is easiest way to restart game after game over.

Restart game Function does not work (I tried to change from game mode “Game State class” to “GameState” instead of “GameStatBase” but if i do this i can’t anymore even move character).

If i use “Open level” problem is none of the variables are resetted. There must be some easy way to restart game without resetting manually every variable and open level?

Do you mean?


works fine for me. Unless you have a custom game mode…

I tried this but it does not work. I think i have Custom Game mode(I am beginner not sure what it means exactly in this case).

If you have a custom game mode, then you need to cast to your game mode and then restart.

You can tell if you’re using a custom GI, because you will have set it in one of two places:

  1. Project settings:

  1. On the map:


Both places i have ThirdPersonGameMode selected. Does it make it Custom game mode or not ?
I don’t know…

I think you have a standard GM then. What happens when you use that node?

I can’t connect. And if i cast to game mode it will always fail.

You have to pull off the game mode and select ‘restart game’ from the list.

( I think you’re trying to connect to an existing node ).