Easy Turret And Weapon System

This is a BP component that lets you build turrets and weapons easily. The turret system and weapon system are separated so you can use them separately, but they work better together. You can add it to your physics powered BP and it will still work.


  • Turret System - lets you aim at moving target with ballistic(with any gravity) projectile. Can be put at any rotation however you like. Can be put anywhere in the BP. Can be added to tanks or flying vehicles and such. Can be controlled manually.
  • Ballistic Weapon System - Create weapons with many variables to tweak, such as airburst, fragmentations, proximity fuse etc. Can be added to an FPS, TPS or any characters with a gun. Will manage effects for weapon.
  • Beam Weapon System - same as ballistic weapon with many variables but a beam(instant). Can be used as instant bullet hit. Will manage beam effects.
  • Damage Component - will send the damage of weapon system to the attached BP.

Sub features:

  • Ballistic penetration (with depth)
  • Ammo and heat system
  • Turret multiple tracking system(nearest or farthest actors, components, locations)
  • Beam penetration (with depth)

Future features:

  • Missile Weapon System (from simple to semi-realistic)

Here’s a preview of a simple ballistic turret and beam turrets attached to a vehicle, firing on a moving target and an FPS character with a shotgun beam.

Here’s an airburst projectile with airburst fragments.

Here’s a simple turret BP.

2 steps and you’re ready.

I know there are many turrets on the marketplace already but they are already built turrets, this component will let you build any turret easily as long as you have the models and effects. But I will be providing some basic models and effects.

Potential price: 30