Hi, i just released this multiplayer components pack https://www.unrealengine.com/marketp…yer-components give me feedback on what to improve. This is my first pack on the unreal engine marketplace so all critics and feedback helps.
If you have any requests of future ideas for components just comment down below and i will make a list.
Current Components:
Health Component (Replicated health over network, works with armor component)
Armor Component (Replicated health over network, reduces damage taken from remove health function)
Level Component (Replicated level over network, it allows the user to level over network, works with XP)
Mana Component (Replicated mana over network, it allows the user to have mana over network)
Stamina Component [Replicated stamina, allows the user to use sprint functions and run over network]
Wallet Component (Replicated wallet component, allows the user to have economy over network)