Easy Enemy AI

So I am using the default AI Controller and I want to keep my enemies simple when it comes to their natural behavior. Here’s my issue.

I want to avoid creating a behavior tree and going too much into AI in order to keep my demo simple and retain full control over everything that’s happening. Is there a way to store a target point to a variable with something that would spawn them to the scene where you could arrange them and use “AI Move to” in order to make the enemy patrol those target points?

My hopes is that when you place the enemy into the scene, the variables would be editable so you could input a number for the amount of target points to spawn, they would appear on the map, and then you could move them around. Then the enemy would move to the target points which are available unless a branch with a bool is set to true (enemy in range) then it does whatever else.

Try this one, created by Mhousse1247 : https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?59262-AI-Project-Sample-(Blueprint-Only) ( and don’t forget to thank him ^^)