I may be missing something here but is there no way to easily open an asset that is referenced in the Output Log?
For example when I have an asset that throws up an error on cooking or whatever I have to manually navigate through the folders indicated in the log in the content browser.
You cannot even copy the file path from the output log and paste it into the content browser as it does not recognize backslashes - it only works if you change all the backslashes in the path to forward slashes, which is a pain if you have a lot of assets to fix up.
Seems like it would be a big timesaving feature to just click on the link in the log and open the asset. Or am I missing something here? Any plugins that do this?
should this be a “Bug Report feature request” though as a question:
this depends on the nature of the error. if this is an error that is say thrown from C++ into the output log
if (myObject != nullptr){
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("this should not be null"));
then there is no file path for the engine to traverse because the closest it will get is a call-stack but the call stack is not snap-shot for log messages as it would create a lot of bloat on the Log.
if the message is being printed to the console from multiple different places the Editor would need to keep additional references for each log message, and that would be a logistical nightmare only to hinder performance.
the good news is that the output Log is actually just a Text file being actively written to in real time in your projects directory [ProjectName]/Saved/Logs the one that is [ProjectName].log is the most recent one and/or the one being actively written to, so you could copy the line from that and change the characters to put into the content browser.
if the error is in Editors Error window, but not a crash, as the result of an assert then it should have the information and link to the blueprint as a link that can be followed, but it might not be able to point to the specific instance in the level that failed to have a value initialized.
if it did result in a full crash then you would still need to deal with the call-stack, and the full crash reports are flushed into the Log files right as the box is shown to you. at this point the engine isn’t actually running any more to allow you to navigate to the offending blueprint/instance.