e57 point cloud from Recap import problem

Good day!

I am trying to import e57 point cloud (exported from Recap) to RC. The RC shows the i mport process, but after that, nothing appears to be imported and no new components are shown on the left.

Could you please help me to find an issue? 

Hi Max, is the exported point cloud ordered or unordered? What type of scanner was used for scanning?

Thank you for the reply, Ondrej!

Its Faro Focus S70. Could you please specify what is ordered or unordered? And how that can be achieved in Recap Pro?

Ordered means it has a 360° scanner position baked into the point cloud data per scan position (when you are moving with a backpack or using a car there are no actual scan positions, just georeferenced point cloud data).

Ideally, RealityCapture works with scanner data exported per scan (per 360 terrestrial scan position). 

In most cases, 3D laser scanners on cars or backpack laser scanners are producing unordered data, because no 360 laser scan position is really calculated. RealityCapture only natively supports ordered data from terrestrial static laser scanners like Faro S130.

We do not support any data from devices like Faro Freestyle 2, which are producing un-ordered scan data (each 2d camera position is not recording during the scanning session or we do not have data from that session after export). That is why we have created this workaround with fake 360° scan positions: https://support.capturingreality.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020653080-How-to-import-any-scan-data-to-RealityCapture-using-CloudCompare-and-Faro-Scene-How-to-create-ordered-point-cloud-from-unordered-.

Basically, you are trying to layout scans in the Faro Scene as you would scan places with the Faro S130 on a static tripod. The only difference is that now you are trying to layout these scan positions virtually in Faro Scene.

The reason why RealityCapture requires knowledge about camera position is that it´s a photogrammetry software (we take laser scan data as camera positions, not as point clouds).

You can find the option here in Faro Scene:

Thanks, Ondrej!

I would suggest that we have ordered point cloud, as Faro S70 scanner is a stationary scanner.

We are using Autodesk Recap, rather than Faro Scene to produce a point cloud and export it as e57 format file.

What comes into my mind, is that the point cloud we have is combined interior and exterior. When you scan the exterior with Faro S70, GPS is turned on. When we scan the interior GPS is turned off. So half of our scans in the point cloud have GPS, half don’t.

Yes, it this that kind of scanner. But point cloud needs to be save also in that way. I think it is supported also by Recap. In which software did you aligned the laser scans? Did you export it as unified point cloud?

The combination of interior and exterior shouldn’t influence this. It is most propably the way, how it is saved from Recap. 

We used Recap Pro to align the scans. And e57 is not unified. That might be a problem?

Hi, when you open that E57 file in CloudCompare are you able to see, if it has TLS/BLB (laser scan position)? No, the point cloud unification couldn’t be a problem. You need to export E57 also with the laser scans positions.

Can you try to export it as is described here: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/recap/learn-explore/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Individually-export-single-scans-from-ReCap-project.html?st=export%20e57%20single%20scan?

Also, I found here (https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/recap/learn-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2017/ENU/Reality-Capture/files/GUID-BE7784C3-9B58-426E-9303-81292C8CF4E7-htm.html), that _ReCap 360 support exporting to the structured E57 format (individual scans, with row/column info, including registration transforms). _So it seems, that you need to have ReCap 360 for ordered point cloud export. Are you importing the Faro’s formats right into ReCap?


Hello, I have the same issue, although I dont use Faro but Leica BLK360 - I import the data and see nothing in RC. When I check the log file, there are no errors.

I dont use the Leica Cyclone app - i have the raw point cloud data (just a set of 3D vertices, literaly nothing else). Is it possible to use this data in reality capture to aid with reconstruction ? I also tried to first import it to Autodesk Recap and then export to E57 and import to RC, same result.

r45wX1bt8Ks, how did you exported the data from ReCap? Did you try to export them as separate scans for each position?

Raw point cloud data won’t work in RealityCapture.


for now I only have one scan. I use the “export” functionality of Recap, there are no options there, only the file format selection. I can send you the dataset if it can help you

There you have described how to export structured point cloud from ReCap.

Yes, it could be helpful to see your dataset. Could you send a link for download?

Does RC require scan position metadata to correctly work ? I tried to simplify my workflow :

1.Capture raw lidar data. This is only 3D point cloud, no metadata, no color. In my case, i have 6 scans of a single room from different positions

  1. I import the raw point clouds (stored in text as .asc file) into Cloud Compare

  2. (optional) roughly align the different point clouds. 

  3. Export as a single .e57 file

  4. Import into RC. The import process finishes, no error message, nothing visible in 1D view.

If the issue is missing meta data, how can I add this data ?

If you give me your email(you can contact me on my profile mail), i can give you the link to download the dataset, since I dont want to publish the data on Internet.

Yes it does. According to my knowledge, CloudCompare doesn’t save the TLS/GLB information when you are exporting E57 (https://www.danielgm.net/cc/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4783) so therefore there are these errors. 

There is described how you can create ordered point cloud: https://support.capturingreality.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020653080-How-to-import-any-scan-data-to-RealityCapture-using-CloudCompare-and-Faro-Scene-How-to-create-ordered-point-cloud-from-unordered-