Dynamically place actors into a level during level creation?

Hi there!

I am building a level, and into it, I am placing random debris, cans, and trash. It’s just really tedious to be placing it one by one, by hand. Is it possible to use the physics to somehow place a actor into the level? Or make some kind of a blueprint?

You can use the foliage system to place static meshes. There is a technique to replace them at run time with actors too if you desire, but since you mention debris I don’t think you want to go to that level.

Oh yes thats true. Well I can try with that. Thanks.

So after trying this out, it doesn’t really work. The assets penetrate each other, they don’t really “land” on the ground, they sort of hover, I played with the values, and since this system is designed for foliage, it doesn’t work with props. I can imagine that not everyone is placing for example 500 cans around the level manually? Excluding some trash, maybe some wood splinters etc.?

Such meshes like on the picture cant be placed with a generator/tool/spawner as it will always look like they are hovering -> as they are pretty thin, you can see where it’s overlapping (e.g with a stone you dont have that problem)

The easiest way is to create some premade groups + place and adjust them (of cours it will take pretty long, but then you will get the best result) -> otherwise you could also create a blueprints which spawns those meshes as physic actors (but that’s not so good for the performance) :wink: