Dynamic tessellated snow material

Very “cool” all around (Ok I’ll stop :eek:) But the clever trick for getting snow/rain materials not to fall through roofs is a top down shadow map, with dynamic stuff culled out so you don’t really have to update it. Apply material to non shadowed areas and there we are, collision. Besides, and correct me if I’m wrong, the particle collision, or rather the cheap particle collision, is screenspace only yes?

Awesome stuff! would be a really neat way to do dynamic weather! Thanks for the tutorial, I also like your “Tron Glow Tutorial”. :slight_smile:

is it possible to just add a mask where the snow shows up and add the tessellation there?

Hello all I’m having a where the object is breaking apart when tessellating how do I fix ?

You know where you selected the flat tessellation in the material details panel. Just under that there is a “Crack Free Displacement” check that and it should be fixed. it fixed the for me.

thanks a lot:)

Can you explain why you use the VertexColor node? I just can’t understand .The documents say “The VertexColor expression is the access point for the material to the outputs of color modules affecting sprite particles emitters.” But where is the particles emitters?

Sadly I don’t have the material any more, and the only thing I remember about vert color is that it works as some kind of a trick. I looked it up in one of the Epic’s materials, I believe. I suggest you test it with different nodes, maybe it’s actually just me being lazy with the code :slight_smile:

Thank you for your answer,but the Tessellation is so bad.I don’t know how to describe it.why did happen?

Is anyone else having a problem where the edges are not tapered? Here’s what I get:

Also is there a way to influence the snow, so I can add a wind direction?

Many thanks in advance.