Dynamic shadows artifacts

Having this problem pretty bad with my characters. I have to lower shadow bias to get good shadows in particular areas like the nose but it messes up the shadows overall.

Of course, you can change the title.

Well it isn’t a surprise that the devs haven’t responded during the few days since the week just started :wink:

For what it’s worth, we were able to ping Chance on this topic, so we might get some developer attention.

It’s funny I look up this issue to see if it’s been fixed and you guys mention my post about it from 2 years ago.

Maybe not too many people are using dynamic day night cycles with curved surfaces?
GTA 5 doesn’t have this issue does it? Where you at Epic!

Is it possible no one from Epic has seen this thread yet? I doubt it. Is there any reason nobody from Epic comment on the issue (and some others)? Well luckily I got a theory for you people. :stuck_out_tongue: It might be their sense of humor because I find it quite fun as months/years go and people still desperately bump these threads. :wink:

I desperately want to make a good game and this isn’t fun or a joke to me because I am a serious developer sir…

Sadly, there was nothing (that I saw) in the recent github commit that would’ve improved the situation: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/64e19e22249097ad494aaad7eac11ff483d10558

Exploring the Technology that Drives "The Human Race" | GDC 2017 | Unreal Engine - YouTube it is said that there is auto biasing. Guess its another WIP/coming sometime soon feature.

But is that for the actual engine or just an experiment for the “human race” tech demo?

I got no idea, hopefully for the actual engine, kinda seems pointless to showcase a feature like that at GDC and not have it included in the engine one day.

You mean like… uh… for example Real time GI?

Don’t you dare unloading trucks of salt on my wounds! :stuck_out_tongue:

Master branch seems to have some PCSS tech in it, it’s not complete and there are artifacts with the shadows, but it does help with the acne quite a bit. The shadows are more costly though.

oh gosh, just what I feared :frowning:

Hiding the artifacts by reducing shadow quality is not a solution.

it’s more like hiding the artifacts with a high-end -only feature

You can try it yourself if you compile the engine and then ues the r.shadow.filteringmethod 1 console command.

For Mobile I fixed shadow acne by calculating depth slope bias when applying dynamic shadows.

half slopeBias = 0.25; // smaller value is more bias
Settings.TransitionScale = MobileDirectionalLight.DirectionalLightShadowTransition * lerp(slopeBias, 1.0, NoL);