Dynamic navmesh busted when migrating from 5.4 to 5.5

Hey all !
Out of curiousity I tried a migration from 5.4 to 5.5 on small project. Most of it went fine until I looked at the navmeshes X)

My navmeshes are fine outside of play mode (essentially more on that later)

But here’s the stuff: I’ve got “Runtime Generation” set to Dynamic in my project settings.

Before hitting the play button everthing seems fine

And now after hitting play and ejecting navmesh gets regen badly.

See how it seems it is finding some phantom boxes ?
Does that mean 5.5 navmesh is accounting for geometry that 5.4 navmesh didn’t ? I don’t think so because that would mean it would show outside of playmode.

I am not even sure this is a migration error. Dynamic navmeshes seem broken in general because if I change the boundsvolume the bug still happens.

Am I the only one with this problems ?
Is perhaps navigation supposed to be done in an different way in 5.5 than in 5.4 ?
Could you guys try using dynamic navmeshes in 5.5 and tell me if they work on your side ?

Edit1: Removed a section related to navmesh bounds that was just the bounds behaving normally in an axisaligned mannager.

Okay I have worked it out !
It is working now :slight_smile:

Basically it seems the new system didn’t like two boxes I was using to block out the ground there. I could not find the original blueprint I was using.

Switching them with boxes from the level prototyping package did the trick !

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