Dynamic Mesh Components and loss performances

Like many people, I dream of being able to create an environment that can be modified in real time, like a voxel. My inspiration comes from Space Engineers.
The few plug-ins of this type are either expensive, unfinished or very complex to manage for an intermediate like me (I know that Realtime Mesh Component Core exists).
Handicap for me: I only do BP.

UE 5.4.
I’m looking to make some nice-sized Dynamic Mesh Components.
I’ve found the programming to remove or add material/volume to a DMC.
However, I’ve found that inexorably, when you repeatedly modify the same DMC, performance plummets as you go along, as you can see from the video extracts.

I’ve tried “simplifying” the geometry, but to no avail.
I changed the parameters in the DMC, trying different settings, but nothing helped.
However, I did some checking: the number of polygons is only a few thousand, really nothing special. And the game works fine as long as I don’t touch the DMC.
