Dynamic Mesh Actor Failing Line Trace Why??

Please ignore the non-used variables. For the above links

My Issue is that I’m using a “Line Trace by Channel” and it is not picking up the hit on the target actor.

The Actor has its Collisions set to Simulate Generates Hit Events to true along with Block for Visibility Channel true.

The Dynamic Mesh Component has Collision Type set to Use Complex Collisions As Simple With Enable Complex Collision to true Note: I’ve also tried Simple and Complex with the same result.

The Construction Script is as follows:

And Begin Play is as follows:

Since I’m not checking the success of the line trace I do understand the sphere is attached but not in the correct location likely [0,0,0] as you can see at the bottom, Disregarding that why is the line trace failing when it passes through the top of the dynamic mesh?

I do suspect I don’t have a collisions to collide against from when I set show Collisions

I would of thought this functions would of set my collisions for me:

Please assist into what I’m missing here.

Kind Regards,

What worked was to use the DynamicMeshComponent → LineTraceComponent.