Dynamic Light System Turn Off/On

Hi everyone,

I have a room And in this room there are several lights. This lights have own spesific ies files. (As you can see in picture). I can turn off/on the lights manually using “IES Intensity Scale”

When i turn off/on the lights i want a totally dark place with no light. How can i do that? :slight_smile:

Dont tell me that u can make with a blueprint visual coding for turning lights on/off. I can do that but when i build than place still have light

I hope u understood :slight_smile:

Hi , this is because * static * lights get baked into light maps —
There is another type of light which is * dynamic * and these can be toggled on and off , as you have in blueprints. These are far more computationally intensive at runtime since the engine has to calculate how the rays interact with all your materials. So being able to bake global lights that tend not to change helps with performance. The downside is a little less flexibility with lighting setups.

To achieve the effect you’re after you need to swap the lightmaps somehow , and one approach is to set up an identical scene and call a level load to transition between the two. Otherwise if you just want a “totally dark place with no light” then just put a black quad in front of the camera and toggle it’s visibility using the light switch , easy hack ! Anyway it would be nice to have more control over light maps and so on.

See also :

Light streamed levels located in same place :

Thanks chuan_I. I changed all my lights from static to moveable (totally dynamic). This solved my problem. But When i build the scene, results below. How can i make more realistic render? (By the way the place has no windows that’s why i dont use directionaly light and skylight

As u can see my render looks like **** :'(((

Hi ,

Sorry I hadn’t checked my notifications in a while —
This is probably too late , but I would just bake with normal lights as you had before. Then cover the camera with a black object as described above ? Make sure you make the black object a child of the camera root so that it will always have the same relative position while the player moves around the scene. Hook it up to whatever input you will use to toggle the lights , and done.

Hope that helps !

Or use LPV or VXGI if you don’t care about performance.

To use static lighting and be able to switch between different lighting setups, you can setup lighting scenarios.
Read more here: Who can explain of "Lighting Scenario" feature? - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums
Unreal Engine 4.14 - Toggle between Day And Night Scene Using Precomputed Lighting Scenario Tool - YouTube