I would like to create dynamically some properties to a blueprint node created in C++.
I mean that I want the ability to add peoperties to my node dynamically.
A good example of that is the Math expression Blueprint node. You enter the expression, it gets parsed and some inut parameters are created to the node.
How do I do that ?
I know I could just give a TArray as property and dynamicaly size it into Blueprint, but I do bnot find it very user friendly (I do not like the complications of assigning individual array elements).
Instead of havingi1 to 10, I want to have a button on my blueprint node wihch allows me to add some additional input parameters ande able to settheir name (label).
Is there any example in the source code which could help me ?
The closest towhat I know would be the math expression, but don’tquite understand all this code related to k2Node.
I want to be able to dynamicalycreate some properties (after compiletime)
“IF” your problem is just on set more names, a function with an (TArray<FName/FString/FWhatever> somearray) as parameter and a MakeArray Node would do the trick without need to deal with custom “BPnodezing”.
Of course will not be so much elegant as an Epic done Node, but I think it will do the trick.
“IF” you watch the MakeArray Node inputs and the situation you’ve described it’s not so much different.
Messed a bit with my Blueprint Library, but unfortunatelly (to my knowledge level) didn’t found any Metadata to functions (ObjectBase.h line 1045 and further) to expose the functionality to Add and remove Pins dinamically, sorry. I “guess” that you’ll not get the desired funcionality without inherit from the K2Nodes, to inherit the functions that does the EdGraphPin stuff.