Hey everyone!
I’m from Unity game engine background (3+ years of experience in unity engine) and I’m trying to learn Unreal engine. I want to create level dynamically after receiving/reading level information (2D array).
The workflow in unity: I can create one Hexagon block and make it as a prefab. (I had to write script that generates the hexagon mesh and save it as asset since there is no direct way to create hexagon in unity.) This prefab can be assigned to a public variable in C# script and through script I can instantiate the prefab as GameObjects and place them where ever I want.
This is how the sample level looks in Unity game engine. I want to know the work flow regarding the same in Unreal engine.
As far as I read about Unreal Unity comparison, prefab in Unity engine is almost equal to blueprint in Unreal engine. But I made the hexagon block in unreal using BSP (which is really easy just one click and done). But there is no option to make this as blueprint. It is showing that this is already an actor and there is no option to make it into blue print.
I want to know how i can make a hexagon block that can be instantiated at runtime in C++. I am very new to unreal and tutorials (shows blueprints in middle) are confusing me. So I thought of learning Unreal but making a sample level instead of watching tutorials and getting confused.