OLD first post follows: [HR][/HR]
Ninja Character code plugin 0.9.3 for Unreal Engine 4.21.1+ is up! Go to UnrealEngine · GitHub and grab the ZIP file (not the green button) from one of the mediafire links posted at the top part (if error 404: log in to Github, link your UE4 account to Github**, links are always online).
is for C+±based game projects.
VERY OLD first post follows: [HR][/HR]
NinjaCharacter subclass is up! Go to >> UnrealEngine · GitHub << and grab the ZIP file (not the green button) from the link posted at the top part (if error 404: log in to Github, link your UE4 account to Github).
I see no harm if I share the code I have now, let me know what you think if you use .
is for vanilla Unreal Engine 4.12.2 and 4.13.1, you still need Visual Studio to compile your game project; detailed instructions are provided.
VERY VERY OLD first post follows: [HR][/HR]
is a showcase of my code adaption of the standard CharacterMovementComponent from Epic Games. Once they’re ready (UPDATE: they’re ready > ), changes will be shared with everyone through GitHub (https://github.com/) (if error 404: log in to Github, link your UE4 account to Github), which might be merged into UE4 by Epic (UPDATE: progress aborted). Code changes are based on an updated 4.7 version of the engine. [HR][/HR]
I need help; the last function I modified is UCharacterMovementComponent::PhysicsRotation(), where you can read :
if( DesiredRotation.Yaw != CurrentRotation.Yaw )
NewRotation.Yaw = FMath::FixedTurn(CurrentRotation.Yaw, DesiredRotation.Yaw, DeltaRot.Yaw);
if( DesiredRotation.Pitch != CurrentRotation.Pitch )
NewRotation.Pitch = FMath::FixedTurn(CurrentRotation.Pitch, DesiredRotation.Pitch, DeltaRot.Pitch);
if( DesiredRotation.Roll != CurrentRotation.Roll )
NewRotation.Roll = FMath::FixedTurn(CurrentRotation.Roll, DesiredRotation.Roll, DeltaRot.Roll);
It calculates the interpolation between the current rotator and the desired rotator by using each component of RotationRate (DeltaRot = RotationRate * DeltaTime). is incompatible with arbitrary capsule orientations, the DeltaRot.Yaw should only affect the local horizontal orientation of the capsule.
How would you fix problem? Any idea? I already had some and attempted to implement them, but they weren’t correct.