Dynamic flame for the lighter

Hello, i have made a lighter flame particle and it looks too stiff, how can i make it rotate in opposite direction of character movement?

Hey @Str4ngerz1! Welcome to the forums!

What’s your setup look like? There’s multiple ways to do this but it’d be best to just go off of what you already have. Are you spawning an emitter? Does the lighter have one on it already?
Basically you’ll get the forward vector from the player and rotate the emitter in the opposite direction.

i’m not spawning the emitter, i’m simply make it visible with animation blueprint for the lighter. There is a my anim_bp setup, i’m using Niagara particles nodes. Can you describe more how can i rotate the emitter? I’m kinda new with blueprint and i can’t even find a good guide for it. Upd: just noticed that particle i used doesn’t rotate at all. Upd2: Can i use spring arm to make particle track it?

Hey! So the screenshot you sent me looks like part of an animBP, we need the actor BP! Try to find the Lighter Particle component. Then in the BP, on tick, you’ll Get Velocity, multiply that vector by -1 and then you’ll Set Rotation with the Lighter Particle component as the target and that variable you just got as the rotation. :slight_smile:

Thanks, i already solved my problem, in a bit different way, but still, i’ll leave nodes here so other people can use it nodes