Hi all.
I want to spawn actor with specific amount of actor components.
Class declared like this:
TArray<UChildActorComponent*> childActors;
int amount;
I have init code like this:
for (int i = 0; j < this->amount; i++)
tmp = this->CreateDefaultSubobject<UChildActorComponent>("Name");
So, than I call init code from constructor the value of “amount” is default (i.e. value setted by UnrealEditor ignored or not setted yet). Then I call init code from “Begin play” it crashes. Google says that i can init components only dyring construction.
So, how should I add components in C++ than i want to make their amount configurable vie UnrealEditor?
But this components not be visible in editor until I lounch the game. (I place this code inside BeginPlay function of parrent Actor)
Its strange that I can easyly pass this args in construction script in blueprint (and see results live in UnrealEditor without pressing “play”)
I expact that C++ code should has more abilities than BP scripts.
Just an idea, you might want to look into overriding AActor:OnConstruction(), which I believe gets called each time a property is changed in a Blueprint subclass. If that works, don’t forget to remove your components when you change ‘amount’, otherwise you will just keep adding them.
All objects in childActors array has the same ID and location. If I change location via editor it changed for everyone. Looks like NewObject returns me link to the same ActorComponent every time.