Dying Sound Bug

Hi i’m making a horror game. In a horror game sound is somewhat important. However if my player dies in game the sound goes mental! It’s like any 3D sound just turns 2D. I have rain outside the main building, you can hear the rain when you get close to the walls and windows and when you get outside it sounds louder, like you’re in the rain. However when the player dies this effect goes away and any sound, similar to the rain, becomes overly loud and unbearable. Even if you’re no where near where the sound is supposed to be originated.

I’m just using several sound cues dragged into the world and have adjusted the falloff so you can only hear it when next to walls or outside. Does anyone know of a better way to do this that may solve my issue? I’m using UE5 and am fairly new to UE in general. So the simpler the better, Thanks!

Hey @theverybigfish!

To get things started, would you mind sharing the blueprints/code you used to play the dying sound, as well as your death blueprint as well?

Any additional info or specifics you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!

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Hi, I’m using the Horror Engine asset from the Epic Store as a base to build the game because i’m not much of a coder, but I didn’t have any sound issues until i added the rain SFX as an ambient sound. Then if the player dies this sound doesn’t play in it’s locations with it’s attenuation settings it just plays as if it was a full 2D sound with the volume whacked up to max.

I appear to have fixed the problem! Instead of having the Cue files just dragged into the level i made each one it’s own Blueprint Actor class, all with the same settings and placed in the same places. For some reason this has stopped the bug from kicking in.

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