I was working on a multiplayer map using Lyra as a gameplay base, and i wanted to add some interactions. i wanted to create a simple ladder bp where you get tp to top/bot of the ladder depending on where you are.
I’ve done it and it does exactly what i want, perfect!
The thing is that i wanted to have a duplicate of this bp with a higher ladder (i’ll call it the x2), wich i’ve done (duplicate the static mesh used, and moved the few boxes for the tp);
but now, on play, if i go to the classic ladder it’s working fine but the x2 isn’t working anymore;
And if i launch another play, and go directly to the x2 it works, but the classic don’t.
Help me please, i can’t seem to find why it acts like that !
Here is the script:
this is the script for the classic ladder, the script for the x2 is the exact same, the only difference is the variable naming.