Duplicated blueprints have constructor and the event graph synced

I’m trying to understand if this is a severe bug in UE5.0.3 or if it’s something I’ve accidentally done.

Today I started a new project, I created an actor and then wrote some code in both the constructor and the Event Graph.
I duplicated the blueprint and renamed since I wanted to share some values between them, and I noticed that editing a blueprint was also editing the other at the same time :dotted_line_face:

It also happens with cut/copy/paste, CTRL+Z seems not to be affected.

Should I open a bug report or is it an option that I can deactivate? I’m glad I discovered it soon enough because I was destroying the original BP editing its duplicate

Thank you in advance

You’ve got two copies of the same BP open


( I don’t know how you manged that - I see the tab names are not the same ).

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Thank you, I didn’t notice that! That’s very strange :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
I’m pretty sure I haven’t undocked the windows, but it could be my fault!

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