Duplicated actors does not work as its original

I’m building a VR simulator and trying to use two actors to snap when overlapped.
And I’m going to make decades of duplicates of this set in the simulator.

The problem is that the “first set” (original one) works fine as I intended it to be, but duplicates of this set does not work.

I’m not even sure what the problem is right now.

Here’s the screenshot of my BP code

Can you also show how you handle the duplication?

Here is the video of demonstration of the code

[Video of how it should work and how it’s not working currently]

Thanks for that, but I actually wanted to see how do you handle the logic for duplication. Neighter the screenshot you’ve provided in your original post nor your video shows that part of your blueprint code.

By duplication, do you mean you manually duplicated the actor from the content browser? If that’s the case, could you check their collision bounds and settings?

Oh, I simply Control C & V or dragging them while pressing Alt.

So it’s not spawned in the game, I just make copies of the original and place them before simulate.

So can you check the aspects that I suggested for your copied actor?

I simply used complex collision for the Anchor
the setting is at Overlap All
For the wedges, they are using simple box collision and the preset is at BlockAllDynamic.
both of them are generated inside the UE5 and I controlled the size to fit their staticmesh
If this is not what you are asking to check, I’m not sure what to look…

You’re using Get All Actor of Class -> Get 0, If there is more than 1 wedge, we do not know which one we’re getting; this will never work. Avoid using that (and the other) node.

Not sure how this is supposed to work, but this is the actor that overlapped the one whose script we’re looking at:

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OMG, Thank you so much

I changed my BP like this as you told me and it’s working now!!

This has been bothering me for days!
Thank you so much!!

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