Duplicate level + actors


I have created a project that’s partially materialized, has lights and all kinds of effects in it.
Now for a presentation, I need the exact same level, but materialized entirely in a neutral white material.
How would you do this? The duplicating I mean. I have already duplicated the level, but then I just get an empty level with nothing in it. What would be the safest way to do this?

Of course the brute force way would be to copy the entire project folder and make a new project, but it should be possible by using levels, no? Thanks in advance.

Easiest way would just be a post process of some sort.

A simple example would be desaturation

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Good Idea, but that only works on objects that have simple flat materials. I would still see bricks and the bark of trees and pavement etc, just desaturated. Which is not what I want.

What I did is copying the entire level in the world outliner and paste it into the new empty level, then select all the actors and choose one material for all of them, except for the glass.

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Same problem on my side