Someone just sent me a PM about a question regarding this project and now I see there are posts I didn’t see before. I thought I’d get notified about new posts. I’m sorry!
In case someone is still asking whether it can be used commercially: Yes, it can be used commercially and no credit needs to be given. But I can’t guarantee any support or functionality.
Hey! Thanks for making this, it saved me a lot of time on my project. I am having some issues with seed-based generation though, in your reply you said that seeds are possible by using a random stream variable. I tried what you said, and replaced the two “random integer in range” nodes in the macros with “random integer in range from stream” nodes. It seems to yield a completely random result every time, regardless of the given seed. I’m trying to use a seed of 0 to get the same map every time I simulate to test this. There may be some kind of misunderstanding on my part, but I believe I did everything correctly. I’ll include some screenshots of what i did.
I’ve taken a look at my old, modified project where I implemented random streams and there are two more functions using random streams (shuffle names and shuffle connections). If I remember correctly I created those functions and replaced the “shuffle”-nodes in some places.
Replacing the old file broke a bunch of references and left it untestable, but thankfully I was still able to open the blueprint so I could take a look at the two functions you mentioned. I recreated them in the existing blueprint in my project file and it worked like a charm! Thanks!
Hi! Sorry for the post necromancy. I’m a big fan of the generator that you’ve created here, but I’d like to make a project with this generator in Unreal Engine 5. Are you planning to make a version of this generator that works for Unreal Engine 5? (If not, do you know if the generator can be imported over to UE5?)
Hello, I have created a very long corridor. Strangely, every so often there is a small gap between the segments. I am only using one tile, so this doesn’t seem to make sense. I was wondering if you could help, please?