Dungeon Generator


I know this topic is kind of old but I just stumbled up on this and this seems to be super helpful!
I’m trying to make random houses with this.

Is there anyone still listening here who could help me out before I gather all the information?


Someone just sent me a PM about a question regarding this project and now I see there are posts I didn’t see before. I thought I’d get notified about new posts. I’m sorry!

In case someone is still asking whether it can be used commercially: Yes, it can be used commercially and no credit needs to be given. But I can’t guarantee any support or functionality.

Hey! Thanks for making this, it saved me a lot of time on my project. I am having some issues with seed-based generation though, in your reply you said that seeds are possible by using a random stream variable. I tried what you said, and replaced the two “random integer in range” nodes in the macros with “random integer in range from stream” nodes. It seems to yield a completely random result every time, regardless of the given seed. I’m trying to use a seed of 0 to get the same map every time I simulate to test this. There may be some kind of misunderstanding on my part, but I believe I did everything correctly. I’ll include some screenshots of what i did.

Setup Generator function:

SelectRandomName Macro:

SelectRandomBoxComponent Macro:
Any insight as to why this isn’t working as I expected is much appreciated. Once again, thanks for making this public and free, have a great day!

I’ve taken a look at my old, modified project where I implemented random streams and there are two more functions using random streams (shuffle names and shuffle connections). If I remember correctly I created those functions and replaced the “shuffle”-nodes in some places.

I uploaded the modified DungeonGenerator blueprint here:
BP_DungeonGenerator.zip (191 KB)

Not sure if you can simply replace the old file with it but you can give it a try.

Replacing the old file broke a bunch of references and left it untestable, but thankfully I was still able to open the blueprint so I could take a look at the two functions you mentioned. I recreated them in the existing blueprint in my project file and it worked like a charm! Thanks!

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Hi! Sorry for the post necromancy. I’m a big fan of the generator that you’ve created here, but I’d like to make a project with this generator in Unreal Engine 5. Are you planning to make a version of this generator that works for Unreal Engine 5? (If not, do you know if the generator can be imported over to UE5?)

Hello, I have created a very long corridor. Strangely, every so often there is a small gap between the segments. I am only using one tile, so this doesn’t seem to make sense. I was wondering if you could help, please?