Dungeon Generation - Question

Hi all!

I have a question regarding dungeon generation, and I am trying to find an answer for this question for quite some time. Before the actual question, I just want to state that I have experience with map/dungeon generators but this the one question I cannot find answer for.

The question - How to create a dungeon generator that will spawn 3 paths from the main room (easy part), but make the paths connected at some point (hard part). Take a look at Lethal Company for example - rooms are predefined and they are spawned one after another, making a path. But, there are branches too that can lead you to other paths and you don’t have to go the same way back you came from. Another important thing is that hallways basically do not exist - everything is a room and nothing is procedurally generated, so we can’t place rooms first then procedurally generate hallways that connect them.

I made couple of generators myself, and most of them are using bounding box colliders to test if we are colliding with something - in case the new room is perfectly aligned with a room from another path, collision will trigger since they are basically overlapping where the doors are but we do not want that to happen.

Also, even if we manage to avoid unwanted collision when two rooms are perfectly aligned on doors, what are the chances that two rooms from two different paths will ever get perfectly aligned unless we have a strict rules regarding the room shape and size, which we also do not want.

Sorry for the long post and I really hope someone can help me out here.