Dungeon Architect

Same , snap builder is the part of the plugin i am quite interested in. I am working on a project that could adapt this plugin but in the current state it’s not ready for the use. At least from i can gather from reading available documentation and watching videos.
Is there a you could tell us your plans for it? Roadmap of sorts if you will. I would really apreciate that. Thanks, H.

i am using Floor Plan builder.
There is no floor plan corridor volume.
Can you make it? I need it too.

Hello there :slight_smile:

I have a question regarding the way to implement something I’ve seen in one of your video [MENTION=28980][/MENTION]:

In this video, you’re adding a “SideDeco” theme which adds a layer of “buildings”, and I can’t think of how to implement such a layer. Could you (or someone with the knowledge) point me towards the right direction please? It’d be super nice!

Thanks in advance for any answer :slight_smile:

@unit23 I faced the motion blur issue too. I’ll profile the network bandwidth and see if replication is the issue (although no variables are replicated)

The snap builder pieces together modules. As of now, these modules have to be blueprints (with meshes in it). This should be replaced with maps files so each individual pieces are stored in their own map files. It’s a pain to design your level modules in a blueprint editor.

I did support map files in the past but that caused various issues that needs to be addressed

Also, I’ll be supporting multiple layout algorithms in snap builder (where you select the layout type from a drop down box). The default snap algorithm goes from start to finish with some branches on the side along the way.

Some possibilities:

Space Partitioning so you can have keys / doors and a constraint system. I believe this is what the game ziggaurath uses


NxN tile layout algorithms with opening on any of NWSE like in Spelunky

I’ll have more updates on the Snap builder in 2.8 after i release 2.7 in a few days

I’ll see if I can get this in 2.8

@Yun-Kun I used a marker emitter script. It runs after the dungeon layout is built and it tries to fit in NxM tiles (e.g. 2x3, 3x3 etc) in the empty spaces surrounding the dungeon. If it finds it, it emits a marker there and the SideDemo theme file picks up those markers and places those buildings there

This works similar to the AdjacentCellEmitter in the fire demo that is used to place rocks to build a cave like structure. Instead of finding 1x1 adjacent free tiles, it could be extended to find bigger tiles. I’ll try to create a BP for your tomorrow

I’ve improved the stair connection model to create better quality result

Also fixed a crash issue with the clone actor node in some cases

Notice that some of the assets are very performance hungry, like the lava material or the fire particles.


I believe this plugin allows your to manipulate meshes within BP Actor right in the Editor: Prefab Tool - Prefab Support for Unreal Engine - Marketplace - Epic Developer Community Forums

So building BP modules for Snap modules should be a breeze.

EDIT: Maybe it would be possible to have an option whether have modules to be BP actors or Prefabs ?


This looks amazing, I’m really happy you want to build out the functionality of Snap builder. I agree the building the Snap components in a Blueprint is a pain but honestly it does not seem that bad. You just can make it in a level then convert the whole thing to a Blueprint actor. I’m much more interested in better functionality of the snap builder its self. I would like to be able to use A Multi Dungeon custom layout with the snap builder in addition to a custom builder (like the straight line example you have). That would be huge functionality, also critical would be access to room and order information so we can better dynamically populate the rooms and hallways. I love the functionality examples you listed. I hope that all makes it into 2.8. Thank you.

Small Question:

how to prevent impassable Rooms, Wall-/Fenceless Platforms and not working Stair2x?

you see 2 impassable Rooms. The large on the right, and the really small left above it.
This is not that bad in 3rd person or FPS… since you won´t see those Rooms. But i want it for TopDown (Diablo like), which looks odd if there are Rooms, the Player, NPC or Enemies can´t reach… :confused:


I don´t know why this happens. But These Platform neither has Walls nor fences… It simply spawns inside a room…
Two Questions :
Any to set Walls and Fences there?
If not, Any way to prevent such Platforms? :slight_smile:

It often happens, that i get Double or Triple Stairs glitching into each other, cause there are up to 3 Passages withing ONE Corner of a Corridor…

Any suggestion how to prevent that?

Last but not Least:

I think DA is designed to use Straight Stairs. So… i don´t think this is a Bug or such… But i´d need some help to fix this :slight_smile:
Is there a Manual/Doc/Help that explains how to make such Stairways possible? Or do i need to place it all by hand for myself?
Would be nice, cause such Stairways lead into glitching through Walls, ther Stairs or lead into nothing (free space outside dungeon)

I simply used the standard DA Dungeon Config. Seed: 12431, Stair Height: 2, Height Variation: 0.5
This is my Debug Theme:

Hope you Guys can help me out :smiley:

[MENTION=28980][/MENTION] - Do you have the theme file that you used ? https:///watch?v=FC3Bs6T-xfI

I have that asset and would like to see your theme file to work out how you built your city. Can you share it with me?

I snagged the content pack (https://github.com/coderespawn/dungeon-architect-quick-start-ue4/archive/content_2.6.zip) and tried out the “Level Authoring by Players (Runtime)” but the blueprint BP_DALB_GameState doesn’t have input to Cell Data.

Anyone know what to tweak for this? I just picked up DA so not very familiar with it yet!

I think I’ve found a bug with the TransformLogic, that or I don’t understand what it’s doing (50/50). The transform scale of a node appears to be applied in some way to the transform logic’s translation transform and not just the scale. It makes for some oddly placed meshes. To repro, create a grid dungeon and add a mesh node and hang it off the wall marker (add a wall mesh or a cube or something as the mesh). Scale the node’s height using the Z coord to something like 1.5. Then add a transform logic to that node. In the transform logic, translate (offset) in the positive Z direction a set number of units. Build the dungeon. The mesh is scaled correctly, but the translation seems to also be affected by the scale of the node. My guess is that the translation (loc) is being multiplied or divided by the scale for some reason. I can’t for the life of me think of a use for that functionality so I’m thinking it’s a bug.

How can i use Dungeon Architect on a dedicated server?:confused:

Any progress on the post-processor? I’ve been encountering and keeping track of quite a few invalid seeds.

@Chaosgod_Espér I’ve improved the stair model and will be available in the next update. I’ll have a look at the wall/fence issue tomorrow

@qdelpeche those assets are not modular (atleast the road meshes). I’ll send you the theme file tomorrow

@Dubh It broke due to a recent change and I’ll have it fixed by tomorrow