I just found out about this plugin after spending months trying to produce something similar.
I can’t even settle for a certain approach, because everything I try has so many problems and restrictions. When trying to solve those, my clean and simple ideas become so bloated with workarounds, it’s making me sick…
I tried something voxelized with elements inside the voxel-space or mostly at the borders between voxels. I also tried non-voxelized geometry with freely placed junction/connector-nodes that can have special “seperator”-elements.
Depending on what approach I currently tend towards, I’m having all kinds of problems with overlaps, inflexible connectivity between modules, irregular layout leaving the “grid” etc etc.
The stuff in your videos looks amazing. I noticed there aren’t any triangular floor-elements though, which is one of the things I am desperately trying to get done… well, the problem is really making them “connect” to other modules in a not-overly-restrictive way.
I wish there was a trial version or something, because I’d really like to know what options and parameters you have for creating levels at runtime, and how open and extendable the system is. For example, could I make an in-game “build-mode” where the player can change the level (with restrictions) at runtime using your system (EDIT: nevermind, I saw in the manual there’s player building)? And could I write my own level generation procedures with or without whatever sub-algorithms you may have in place?
First - this thing is . Great work and thank you for making this available to the rest of us.
I’m curious how well DA supports multiplayer games? Can a seed be used to gen identical dungeons on clients? Can a manually edited dungeon be replicated to clients along with the edited parts? What other gotchas/caveats are involved when using this plugin in a multiplayer game?
Just bought this on sale and hope to use it to kick-start me using Unreal (my PC really struggles with it). Had to post as it is page 42 of thread Does mean 41 other pages to read though to catch up.
@k1p1 dungeon flow control is not supported and is a limitation for now. I’ll address it in the future builds
Get Path Between Cells would return the shortest traversable path (through stairs, doors) between the two cells. There is a sample that demostrates this in the quick start guide
You could add empty blueprint actors as placeholders to represent your spawn points (instead of actually spawning the NPCs)
Then your blueprint can have the logic of spawning, instead of the theme file. You’d go through each spawn point position (by querying the blueprint actor you spawned from the theme file) and decide where to spawn and properly initialize them. I use this method for the shooter demo where a bunch of player start actors are scattered around the map and NPCs are spawned at runtime by picking a random PlayerStart actor that is not very near another character.
I’ll be adding a blackboard to the dungeon actor which you can use to save / load global data from different places (like your observer actor). It can be used to limit the no. of items spawned per level etc.
The dungeon layout algorithm can be swapped out with another implementation. The default implementation you see in the video is called the Grid Builder. there are other implementations as well which are a work in progress (floor plan, snap, city etc). You can write your own implementations.
Circular / Angular walls are not supported in the grid builder (you could use rules to add a different mesh in the corners)
The quick start guide comes with a sample game mode that shows how the dungeon layout can be modified by the player. However it is not a in-game level editor and it would require more work as part of your game development (UI, save / load etc)
@antsonthetree Thank you! As long as the dungeon configuration is the same, it will generate the same level. So you can replicate the dungeon configuration object (seed + other config params) and it would generate the same dungeon on all clients
Would you be able to make a top-down game with the plugin but, if the assets used were optimised for 1st/3rd-person, also create cinematics with Sequencer?
The reason I ask is because our project has decided to go the “Shadow Complex” route, but the environment in that allows for 3rd-person cutscenes as well.
Can I ask how long this will be on sale? Thinking about picking it up just to experiment and support your work, but not sure if there’s room in the budget just this moment
Regardless, this looks absolutely worth full price, amazing work!
Hi, I’m very interested in purchasing this, but I have one question.
If I use this in my project, is it possible for me to alter the underlying generation algorithm? At first glance, (and forgive me if I’m wrong, I’ve only looked at the store pages) the dungeons are generated on a space-partition or cell-generating model described in:
In other words, it looks like it spawn some volumes, connects them and then generates connectors.
I would like to change the logic to be a little more graph-based implementation similar to described :
Instead, I’d like to create a model, which spawns rooms and spawns connectors. Is this possible?