Dungeon Architect

Is there any way to mix and match grid builder and snap builder? It would be nice to have a snap builder room open up into a grid dungeon and be able to snap in other rooms. That’s essentially what I’ve been trying to accomplish. I never really got snap builder to work.

This is what I’m trying to fake by making compact GridBuilder levels (currently non runtime dungeon) and then let the main SnapBuilder level (should be random runtime dungeon) stitch them together.
But the SnapBuilder part is not working properly (only the first room/level shows up) - and I’m already ignoring all GridBuilder assets in the SnapBuilder level, so this should be no problem as they are simple static levels.

Maybe theming would work, too. With some kind of DungeonEventListener blueprint in the SnapBuilder level changing (or maybe even rebuilding) the GridBuilder modules.

But I must agree that a built in way to do this in DA would be better.

For doing a shooter map the GridBuilder as it is now maybe sufficient, but for an ARPG style game I need mush better control over the rooms.

I think you’re further along than me with the snap builder as I couldn’t even get it to stitch in one room. The other approach you tried was using a theme override and the Query system to make SpawnRoom look a little different than the other rooms, right? And you made a custom emitter to change the north wall. But that didn’t work out for you, right?

This seems to be one of the trickier things to do with DA.

Exactly. But I only invested one or two hours into the mixed builder approach, so I can’t really say how good this might look.

I invested much more time into the “GridBuilder only” approach and I thought I’m quite there getting a usable random dungeon level with good variation in the rooms (even if every room is rectangularly shaped … ^^).
But some meshes like a level entrance with stairs can not fit into this approach easily as they are much too big for a topdown perspective game as the player or other walkable area might be hidden behind this mesh.
Querying the dungeon layout and rebuilding a non fitting dungeon might do the trick - but I don’t know for sure - and I don’t know how to do this if it’s even possible.

Hey everyone sorry for the delay. I’ll get back to you all tomorrow
@Laurentius for your door problem, I did something similar with a unity version (combination of negation volume, platform volumes & theme override volumes) but it was not a clean straightforward solution. I’ll think of a better implementation tomorrow

I have to say, I’m impressed, as I’m sure everyone is, with Dungeon Architect. You guys did an insanely detailed job. Well done.

Hi all,
I am a new user, sorry for basic questions.
I am trying the snap dungeon and I am getting that issue:

I have some rooms with a doorway open to nothing when I have dead end rooms and there is some room with doorway pointing to room that can’t connect to it.

Any ideas ?



The SnapDoor blueprint has a tab where you can define the close mesh. This should be the terminating “door”.

OK I will try that but @ I was hoping that dead rooms would cap room each time unless there is no space ( in that case a the close mesh is fine), so you can have more random on the dead end.
Having some pourcentage control of which rooms are spawn would be nice and a check to not use twice the same room in a row too.

Would it be possible to flag SnapDoors as “non essential” or something? Basically it would be nice if they connected to something, but they should not be considered when requiring an entry point to the room. I’m wanting to add upper floors to rooms that do not have a way up from the lower area, but players can jump down. With the current system the lower area might end up with no exits. Another example would be I want a secret door/room that may or may not be behind a bookshelf, but it can’t count as an entrance/exit to the room.

Transform works in mesh area, not in transform subsection when set to relative… weird.

Also destroying snap dungeons crashes editor about 9/10 times… can’t delete generated snap dungeon instance levels manually either, unless I delete the level that created them; crashes editor.

After testing an early beta release i finally plan to buy this package. One question i have is in regards to procedural generated levels and the positioning of blueprints and decals. Is it possible to setup blueprints and decals, randomly - or manually prepare segments for runtime generated levels. I am particular interested to use BPs, and decals, from the ROME package, as seen in this video


Are dynamic runtime generated maps, multiplayer ready?

There seems to be a folder lookup issue with the 2.2 quick start content pack. I downloaded this today and the maps are looking for assets in a relative folder; “/Game” which doesn’t exist.

's a sample of the error;

LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Game/StarterContent/Textures/T_Concrete_Tiles_N’
LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Game/StarterContent/Textures/T_Concrete_Tiles_N’ while loading D:/Unreal Projects/DungeonArchitect/Content/DA_StarterPack/Materials/M_Glass_Railing_01.uasset.
LoadErrors:Error: Error /Game/DA_StarterPack/Materials/M_Glass_Railing_01 : Can’t find file for asset. /Game/StarterContent/Textures/T_Concrete_Tiles_N

Ok, so I just needed to add the starter content to the project. No dramas!

Does anyone know if I were to add a blueprint to a Dungeon Theme Override volume, would that work ok? It would be useful to me to be able to add script to those volumes in certain situations.

I am a fresh owner of Dungeon Architect for Unreal Engine 4.13.
‘Is Pillar on Corner’ does not compile:


How do I fix this? I tried dragging a ‘Dungeon’ reference into the blueprint but that did not work.

@dkoding Please use spatial constraints instead of this. Heres a quick example:
For pillars, you’d use 2x2 spatial grid when attached to wall / fence seperaters

I’ve compiled for 4.14. I’m testing it and will publish an update soon to Epic.

That is good news, I’m eager to start using Dungeon Architect with the Forward Renderer in 4.14.

Another question - how can I go about creating a roof for every ‘floor’ tile UNLESS there is something else placed on that tile, i.e. stairs?
I’m using the GridDungeonBuilder, and I want my dungeon to have roofs, however I get this:


I guess I have to use a selector, but I can’t figure out what the query should look like to query the cell for an existing stair in the room. Also, I don’t know if the floor or the stairs are created first.

I guess I could use an emitter, but as I want to use an instanced dungeon, that is not the way I want to create my roof tiles.

@dkoding You can use a selector for this

In your roof mesh node, create and attach this selector so that the roof meshes don’t spawn where a stair is present (Create a blueprint derived from GridDungeonSelectorLogic and override the function SelectNode like this)

This will create holes where stairs are. Create a new mesh like this and attach it to the stair marker and move it up so they cover all the regions properly


In the future updates, I’ll emit Ceiling and StairCeiling markers as part of the builder itself so you don’t have to do this extra step