Dungeon Architect

Please try spatial constraints


HI anyone plz help. !

What version does it read inside the launcher? Click on Installed Pluginsā€¦

Hey @uced
Iā€™ve fixed the compile issues on the blueprint and reuploaded them in the quick start guide. You can grab the painted info from the ToolData of the Dungeon

UGridDungeonToolData* ToolData = Cast<UGridDungeonToolData>(Dungeon->GetToolData());

For reference, the function UGridDungeonBuilder::AddUserDefinedPlatforms uses this

@Roponator Thanks for the suggestion. Iā€™ve added a new drop down on the theme editorā€™s viewport that gives you the option to also rebuild the dungeon layout like you mentioned above


This is a C++ compiler issue that others also got. Please reinstall your VisualC++ to solve this (Click the repair option from Visual studio setup)

@uced I didnā€™t end up using them, instead the tool rasterizes the rectangles and borders down to individual cells in code (loops and adds NxM unique individual cells to the PaintedCells array)

You can have a look at the tools on how they do this:

DungeonArchitectEditor\Private\Builders\Grid\EditorMode\Tools\GridDungeonEdToolRectangle.cpp [FGridDungeonEdToolRectangle::BuildDungeon]
DungeonArchitectEditor\Private\Builders\Grid\EditorMode\Tools\GridDungeonEdToolBorder.cpp [FGridDungeonEdToolBorder::BuildDungeon]

Firstly; hi i am very thankful to you that you are helping me.
Secondly; the launcher is not detecting the plugin.
and is output from rebuild (VS)ā€“
LOG.txt (51.4 KB)

@uced Glad to hear that. Itā€™s always nice to see the stuff you create.

Iā€™ve fixed the issue with the incorrect markers from painted cells.

void UGridDungeonBuilder::AddUserDefinedPlatform(const FRectangle& Bounds, const FCellType& CellType)
    cell.CellType = CellType;
    cell.Bounds = Bounds;
    cell.Bounds.Size.Z = 0;  // <<<<< NEW

The issue with the colored tiles not showing up in the editor when switching to paint mode is also fixed. This was done by disabling this in the rendering material (DungeonArchitect Content > Materials > M_DungeonEdModeOverlay > Render After DOF = false)


From your previous post, it looks like youā€™ve already installed DA for 4.21 from the launcher. Please do the following steps:

  • Make sure your previous version you manually added to your project is removed. Go to your projects folder and remove the GAME_PROJECT/Plugins/**DungeonArchitect **folder if it exists
  • Launch the Unreal Editor and navigate to Edit > Plugins and enable Dungeon Architect. Restart the editor when prompted to and try again

Iā€™ve added support for engine 4.22 and will submit a new update soon


Since the last update, Dungeon Architect supports third party extensions, i.e. support any type of asset that the engine supports (e.g. Paper2D, Apex Destruction etc) without knowing anything about it (i.e. without explicitly linking to it)

I went ahead an removed the explicit dependency on DA with Apex destruction so Apex gets added only if you use it and will not cause bloat. This means your previously created Destructible Nodes will not work (as they have been removed). You will have to drag drop your destructible assets on to the theme editor again so the new generic system picks it up and initialize a Actor node instead

Iā€™ve added this demo in the quick start guide

Hi, is it possible to use Dungeon Architect in runtime? I want to enable players to make their own cities in-game.

Short version - YES. Quite easy. :wink:

Iā€™ve submitted a new version (2.12.0) to the marketplace for review. It has also been uploaded on the website if you want to grab it now

Version 2.12.0

  • New: Added 4.22 Engine support
  • New: Removed Apex Destructible plugin dependency from Dungeon Architect and the custom Destructible mesh node support. However, destructible meshes are still supported. (Drag drop your destructible meshes on the theme editor)
  • New: Added weights to theme override volumes so if they overlap, the volume with the larger weight gets its theme applied
  • New: Theme editor has an option to force rebuild the preview viewportā€™s dungeon layout, which will be a little slow but more accurate, in case of custom marker emitter blueprint usage
  • Fix: Paint mode now properly shows the colored layout, which was not being shown in some cases
  • Fix: CityBuilder adds large city blocks (greater than 3x3) correctly
  • Fix: Marker emitters on custom placed platforms (using platform volumes or painted cells) were having their Z registered incorrectly making objects float on air
  • Fix: Improved the debug drawā€™s performance in the theme editorā€™s viewport window


Thanks a ton for all the fixes, youā€™re incredible !

If itā€™s not too impolite to make a bit of self promotion, you might enjoy all the new stuff iā€™m doing with DA in real time in my game:


If anyone is wondering, itā€™s actually quite easy to do, and everything is replicated and saved. I mainly ported to c++ the logic of the DA starter kit demo.

Again, thanks for all the amazing work you put in DA !

Best regards

Yag looks amazing! I love what you did at 9:26 Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot, iā€™m super glad you like it :slight_smile:

And yes, this final dungeon is really a beauty with its huge mountain stairs: the whole dungeon took me about 20 minutes to make, it was a quick test, but it turned out looking great and finally ended in the video^^.
Manually adding great altitude differences improves the depth and mood of some dungeons.

Again, thanks a lot for your work, Yag looks that good only thanks to DA.



First let me thank you for creating Dungeon Architect and Prefabricator! These tools together have huge potential. I bought DA after Iā€™ve realized that I could use the flow system to generate levels. I wanted to achieve this myself to be able to have more control of the random nature of the game flow, and there you goā€¦ It is for me to use. Thank you very much!

As I dove into DA flow system I found myself struggling to come up with a solution for 2 problems and I am pretty sure you can point me in the right direction.

  1. I could not find a solution for saving the state of the enemies (position, behavior) spawned by streamed in blueprints. After the actual level they are in is unloading they are falling. I was going to save their state on level unloading and then restore it after the level they are in is loading back in, but I am having difficulties to find a way to determine which level the actual enemies are in. Also I donā€™t know how to fire event that would store the enemies state on level unload.

  2. Is there any way to tell the flow manager to change level variables on load. What I would like to achieve is to be able to say for example the third ā€œhub levelā€ streamed in should have 3x more enemies or change prefabricator setting to controll the theme of that particular level. This way I could reuse the same level and still add some variety to the dungeon or manage difficulty,theme or even fire an event.

Thanks for the hard work you put into these projects.


Was just about to ask about 4.22. Thanks!