Apologies if this is really obvious to seasoned BP users (I’m very new to BP): I’m trying to set up a workflow that lets me quickly create/edit presets from a more musician-friendly interface, probably Max for Live in Ableton with a custom UI and lots of knobs/sliders/buttons mapped to hardware MIDI controllers. Then I’ll route virtual MIDI to UE from M4L, so I can hear my changes as I work, and ideally I’d be able to hit a UI button in PIE to save the current state of the synth to a new preset in an existing preset bank.
Is there currently any built-in means of doing this? Is it even possible to create a persistent asset from an action that takes place inside the game world? The preset bank .uasset is in a binary format, otherwise I’d generate it externally on the DAW side and import it later.
Any suggestions welcome, cheers!