[Dumb question alert] Is there an easy way I can make a character mesh SHATTER!......?

I want to have my characters explode into shards when dead - can I use voronoi shatter for this?

Can I do it from blueprints? If not, I will dust off the part of my brain that once used C++… Though I would prefer not to.

Use the built-in tool to create a destructible mesh based on your character mesh, then upon death you spawn the DM. I don’t remember if you can make a DM based on a skeletal mesh or not, but if you can’t (likely), just use a static mesh version instead.

Easiest way is to make a blueprint actor based on the DM, and hook up the destruction (Apply Radius Damage) directly on EventBeginPlay. That way you get instant shatter as soon as you spawn this BP. You can do all this in blueprint, no C++ required. Just destroy the original character and spawn the Destructo-BP-of-Doom in its place.

Awesome! Thanks!!!