Dude, my car wont start

Trying to get the starter set vehicles working in my 5.1 map. I think I’ve set up my entering and exiting blueprints right but when in the car it doesn’t work at all.

What am I doing wrong? I have Chaos plug in enabled and I can get a car to drive around when I set player pawn to a car but I want to use the third person pawn, posses the car and then drive off.

I had it working in previous UE and in UE5.0. I think I’ve forgotten something like changing to the car input or something and can’t remember what. My inputs seems the same with the basic controls being the same across all 3 versions but the car wont move in UE5.1.

Hi JoeCarr,

In 5.1 ‘Enhanced Input’ is on by default.

Take a look at my post to see an example of how to start using the Input Mapping Contexts.

Let me know if you have any other troubles/questions. Combining The First/Third person template with the Vehicle template is at the top of my list for topics to make a tutorial about!