Ducker (compressor) & volume measurement


Does the standard UE4 audio system (I mean AudioMixer) have any ducker (compressor) built in ? (to prevent clipping artifact when there are many (loud) voices playing simultanously).
Is there any built-in way to measure loudnes of specific audio bus ? (I mean RMS)
Well if there is no ducker built-in - I can implement one if there is a way to measure buss / master buss loudness. I’v read the audio documentation about SoundClasses, SoundCues, SoundMixes etc. but I do not see any form of measurement built-in, just the multipliers that I can use to adjust sound volumes.
Thanks for any info on this!

All this and more is part of the new audio engine!:slight_smile: Check the sticky at top of this forum for how to enable it + usage instructions: New Audio Engine: Quick-Start Guide - Audio - Unreal Engine Forums

OK, I see compressor (I’v previously overlooked it somehow), but what about volume measurement (I want it for some feedback in C++, so I’m looking for way to get actual RMS on master buss (like the old days by using XAUDIO2FX_VOLUMEMETER_LEVELS in XAudio2)) - any way to do this ?

We can tell a Submix to start Envelope Following, and create an event delegate that spits out floats(probably an array according to number of channels, that we can sum and average).
We can route all our stuff through a no-effects submix(and it can be right before master), and then get the envelope. Haven’t tried to get it off the actual master submix, as it’s hidden and also I never needed to.

OK, thanks, I followed different (hard) road, extended Audio::FMixerPlatformXAudio2 to hook up VolumeMeter to OutputAudioStreamMasteringVoice, now I’m able to get peak and RMS in editor/dev game (on PC) to see if output levels are withing limits (our sound designer thinks it’s should be built in ‘must have’ feature (she comes from FMOD, where sucha a thing is a standard)). Anyway thanks!

Yeah that’ll do it. At that point, debugging the final master output, it might be best to route the editor/game audio through external audio software like a DAW to get all kinds of information on regarding it’s outputting. We can create virtual soundcards+routings on windows using apps like f.e.x. VB-Audio VoiceMeeter Banana and GitHub - audiorouterdev/audio-router: Routes audio from programs to different audio devices.</titl. On mac I think this can be used .

For Mac, Blackhole is what I’ve been using.