DualShock / WinDualShock plugin


I’m unable to recieve input from DualShock4 (also DualSense but that a separate story). I have enabled WinDualShock plugin but it seems like Im missing libScePad & everything is ifdeffed out, i.e. not compiled.

Who can I make the dualshock controller work in UE4 4.27? I have also tried to enable it through the RawInput plugin but without success.


Did you manage to make it work without the RawInput Plugin?

LibScePad is a library you get from the PS4/PS5 SDK so you need to be a licensee in order to get it

Add a bit more clarity in case someone else is struggling with this issue. To be able to offer full controller support on Windows, you need to be a PlayStation developer which gives you access to the SDK with the right libraries. In short, the WinDualShock plugin looks for a specific library it then uses to get everything working smoothly (inputs, audio…), without the SDK, this plugin won’t work.