Dualshock 4 not recognized in builds

Hi everyone,

I am currently using Unreal 4 to develop a game and I want to use my DS4 to play it.
It works fine in editor but when the game is built, it is not recognized on either of my three PCs.
In build, keyboard and XBOX 360 controller work. My DS4 also works on other games.

I’m using Unreal 4.7.3, and currently where does the problem comes from. Can someone tell me if I have to plug or enable something for my Dualshock 4 to work with my builds please ?

Thanks a lot.

Hey AxeVince,

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, and we appreciate your patience while awaiting a response. In order to assist you in an effective manner, we would like to see if you are still experiencing the issue you are reporting in engine versions 4.8.3 and/or 4.9.2?

If so, would you mind providing some simple steps, screenshots, or any other relevant pieces of information to help us reproduce the issue on our end?

Since the Dual Shock 4 is a PS4 controller, be sure you have set up your packaging correctly to target the PS4 platform. That way, when the game is packaged, it can recognize any gamepad mappings to this controller. Let me know if you have other questions.

Thank you,