Duality - Global Game Jam Project Done in Two Weeks

This game was created during the Global Game Jam 2022 with the theme Duality by Mohid, Flavio and Achim. We spent around two Weeks to create this game.

Elana, you must save those souls and send them back to slumber. They are trapped between life and death, bright and dark. They are in severe agony and rage. They will confront you as any lost and confused soul will but you, Elana, one of the guardian Elves of this realm must send them back to slumber.

TeamFMG (here we share our latest releases and gameplays)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/friendsmakinggames/
YouTube: Friends Making Games - YouTube
itch: https://team-fmg.itch.io/

Music Composer Flavio
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flaviosilva_music/

Designer and Blueprint Developer Mohid
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sam_making_games/
YouTube: SamBread - YouTube

Architect and C++/Blueprint Developer Achim
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tuatec/
YouTube: tuatec - YouTube


Hey there @tuatec,

Hope youā€™re doing well. Love the art style!
Will there be more videos or updates coming to Duality? Or is this itā€™s final form?


Thanks! I hope youā€™re also doing well.

We were already thinking and talking about updates, but we didnā€™t know if the community wants more stuff for this game. This was also one reason why we shared the project here in the forum to get some feedback and maybe if there is enough demand we might create another level or introduce new features. :wink:

Iā€™d definitely love to see more! Whether ā€œmoreā€ would be another level or just a few features. Are there specific features your team had in mind?


Hey! Iā€™m one the Designer and other BP dev. We made this game in like 48 hours for GGJ Stuttgart. We have a few ideas up our sleeves that had to be cut due to obvious time constraints :sweat_smile:

Honestly, if this game takes off and people like it. Weā€™ll 100% add more content to this game :smiley:


One possible feature might be the fading of objects. To be honest I donā€™t like the plugin we use. Probably also a more complex combat system. More interesting camera movements, currently the fixed angle seems to je quite limited in my view. Additionally, a take down system might also be interesting ā† this one is on the road map as I need it for one of my throw away projects (might publish soon something on the forums about this project as well).

All features are quite interesting in my view as we could use them in other games as well.